Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Fuel Installations Auckland Limited (FIAL), all quotes given by FIAL and supply of goods by FIAL are governed by these terms and conditions to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions or representations
These terms and conditions will not be deemed to be modified, cancelled or waived in whole or in part except by written amendment of FIAL.
In these terms and conditions FIAL means Fuel Installations Auckland Limited; “Customer” means any company, person or other body which orders or requests, either itself or through an agent, the supply of Goods from FIAL or makes an application for credit from FIAL in relation to any such supply, “Goods” means all materials and or services supplied by FIAL to the Customer; “GST” means goods and services tax. Pursuant to the Goods and Services Tax Act 1985, “PPSA” means the Personal Property Securities Act 1999 and “Signatory” means any person signing an order or credit application for or on behalf of the Customer.